Reading: Psalm 19
The Bible – God’s Word
- Aug 22 Sun 2010 23:45
第一課 如何使用聖經課程
- Aug 22 Sun 2010 23:32
ACBM (Asia and Pacific)
What is the Australasian Christadelphian Bible Mission
The ACBM (Australasian Christadelphian Bible Mission Inc.) works in conjunction with the United Kingdom Christadelphian Bible Mission (CBM), the Christadelphian Bible Mission of the Americas (CBMA) and the Christadelphian Bible Mission of South Africa (CBMSA) to preach the gospel throughout the world.
The ACBM has been established by and is responsible to the Christadelphian community in Australia and New Zealand and its area of responsibility is from the Indian sub-continent across Asia and the Pacific.
Specific Duties include:
- oversee and co-ordinate the preaching and pastoral work overseas
- foster the formation and spiritual development of Christadelphian ecclesias (communities) overseas
- provide, where necessary, financial and welfare assistance to members
- monitor and evaluate the work of its appointed fieldworkers
The ACBM consists of a number of entirely voluntary committees and teams created to work in the following areas:
- tutor those who have registered for Bible Correspondence Courses
- correspond with those having shown interest in the Scriptures
- establish working groups to co-ordinate activity in specific countries
- visit overseas countries to preach
- visit overseas countries to support local Christadelphians
- promote and seek financial support within the Christadelphian brotherhood in Australia and New Zealand for the work of the ACBM
- administration of the mission operations and finances in an honest and proper manner
- Aug 22 Sun 2010 23:08
CBM in Israel
Israel and neighbours
Population: 7 million.
Languages: Hebrew, Arabic, Russian.
Main religions: Jewish, Islam.
- Aug 22 Sun 2010 22:26
CBM in France
Population: 64 million.
Language: French.
Main religion: Roman Catholic.
Link man Steve Weston
- Aug 22 Sun 2010 18:00
- Aug 19 Thu 2010 16:37
基督弟兄會孤立聯盟(Christadelphian Isolation League,簡稱CIL)
基督弟兄會孤立聯盟(Christadelphian Isolation League,簡稱CIL)是一個由基督弟兄會運行的非營利組織。該組織的主要宗旨是照顧教會裡面受洗成員的"心靈救濟",以及他們的子女,由於身體殘障或疾病的關係離聚會的地方較遙遠。它的經費來自基督弟兄會團體的捐款。
該聯盟成立於 1928年的英國。前面8年的存在僅服務來自英國的受洗成員,之後,海外部成立。截至2007年它隨著遍布全球的地區分配者在100多個國家幫助信徒。有每週發出超過 2000則勸勉以及聖經學習指南。有時 CIL的材料被翻譯成各種語言。自1959年以來已製作一份通訊,最接近的一份跑到36頁,包含課程、詩歌和時事新聞。第一個主日學的聯盟開始於 1930年(與自己的報紙Chatterbox),在1939年開始有第一份視障專用的布拉耶點字法文章和於 2003年服務聽障信徒。有超過 1500捲錄音帶是在他們的圖書館提供,其中一些被轉移到CD上必須作出更多的便利。偶爾有專門為身障(孤立)的基督弟兄舉辦的活動中相互認識彼此,以滿足所有的成員都不再被孤立、被隔絕。所有活動裡頭最盛大規模的一次會於每四年在英格蘭的伯明罕舉行。
- Aug 19 Thu 2010 16:14
Christadelphian Isolation League in Wikipedia
The Christadelphian Isolation League (CIL) is a non-profit organisation run by the Christadelphians. The main object of the organisation is to look after the 'spiritual welfare' of baptised members of the denomination, and their children, who are distant from an ecclesia due to physical distance or illness. It is funded by donations from the Christadelphian community.
History and services
The League was formed in 1928 in the UK. For the first eight years of its existence it dealt only with baptised members from the UK, after which the overseas section was set up. As of 2007 it helps believers in over 100 countries with regional distributors around the globe. There are over 2000 exhortations sent out weekly as well as Bible study guides. Sometimes CIL material is translated into various languages. Since 1959 a newsletter has been produced, the most recent of which ran to 36 pages and contain lessons, poems and current event news. A Sunday School section of the league was started in 1930 (with its own newsletter Chatterbox), a Braille section in 1939 and a service for deaf believers in 2003. There are over 1,500 audio tapes in their library which are available, some of which are being transferred to compact disc to be made more accessible. Occasionally there are events organised specifically for Christadelphians in isolation to meet each other and also members who are not in isolation. In the UK the biggest of these events takes place once every four years in Birmingham, England.
- Aug 19 Thu 2010 14:10
維基百科裡介紹的基督弟兄會(正體中文/Traditional Chinese)(尚未完成)
「基督弟兄會」(源於希臘語基督的兄弟/基督的弟兄們:Christou Adelphoi 依據希臘文的歌羅西書 1:2--「基督裡的弟兄」)是一個基督教團體,於19世紀發展在英國和北美洲等地。這個名字是由約翰湯瑪斯所創,是該集團的創始人。雖然沒有官方公佈的成員數字,哥倫比亞百科全書給出了一個估計的數字,50000人在世界各地120個國家中的許多國家建立了基督弟兄會,隨著分散於一些國家的成員所普查的統計數據。基督弟兄會的主要中心的估算人數如下:英國(18,000),澳大利亞(9987),馬拉威(7000),莫桑比克(5300),美國(6500),加拿大(3375),紐西蘭(1782),肯亞(1700),印度(1300),坦桑尼亞(1000)和菲律賓(1000)。人數大約為60,000人左右。
- Aug 19 Thu 2010 13:30
Christadelphian(s) in Wikipedia (English)
'Christadelphians' (from the Greek for Brothers of Christ / Christ's Brethren: Christou Adelphoi; cf. Greek of Colossians 1:2—"brethren in Christ") are a Christian group that developed in the United Kingdom and North America in the 19th century. The name was coined by John Thomas, who was the group's founder. Although no official membership figures are published the Columbia Encyclopedia gives an estimated figure of 50,000 Christadelphians in 120 countries established in many countries throughout the world, along with isolated members. Census statistics are available for some countries. Estimates for the main centres of Christadelphian population are as follows: United Kingdom (18,000), Australia (9,987), Malawi (7,000), Mozambique (5,300), United States (6,500), Canada (3,375), New Zealand (1,782), Kenya (1,700), India (1,300), Tanzania (1,000), and Philippines (1,000). This puts the figure at around 60,000.
History and development
- Jun 27 Sun 2010 18:24