Reading: Psalm 19
The Bible – God’s Word
The Chr istadelphian Bible Course is designed to help you understand the Bible,
somet imes cal led the Scr iptures. The Bible is the Word of God. I t is the only book that
rel iably tel ls us about God and about His plans for the ear th and the people on i t . I t
promises a blessing for ever yone who reads i t and responds to i ts message.
I t is a pr ivi lege to own a copy of the Word of God. To fol low this course you wi l l need to
have a copy of the whole Bible, not just the New Testament . I f you do not al ready have a
copy, you may be able to buy one qui te cheaply at the Bible Society. There is a branch
in almost ever y count ry.
About this course
This Bible course consists of 40 lessons. These are grouped into 11 sect ions. Each
sect ion has a quest ion paper . Your tutor wi l l send you the course, usual ly one sect ion at
a t ime. When you have studied a sect ion of lessons and answered the quest ions, please
send your answers to your tutor , who wi l l mark them and return them to you. You may
also ask your tutor quest ions about the Bible and this course. Please only wr i te to your
tutor , even though you may see other addresses on our l i terature.
Your tutor is:
Your reference number is:
Please use this number on al l cor respondence, answers etc.
I f you have not been given a tutor and reference number in the box above, please
send your answers using the address or envelope provided. Your answers wi l l be
passed on to a tutor who wi l l wr i te to you wi th the informat ion you need.
The Bible passages in this course are taken f rom the Engl ish Standard Version (ESV) .
Other versions may be avai lable in your count r y. Three good modern versions are the
New King James Version (NKJV) , Revised Standard Version (RSV) and New Internat ional
Version (NIV) . The King James Version (KJV) , also known as the Author ised Version
(AV) , is another good version to use, al though i t is somet imes di f f icul t to understand
because of i ts old language.
This Bible course is f ree. Our aim is to help you to enjoy reading the Scr iptures. We
want you to discover the wonder ful message of salvat ion through Jesus Chr ist . We do
not provide cer t i f icates for taking the course, but af ter the 40 lessons we can send other
Bible courses to help you.
Bible references
In this course, Bible references are wr i t ten l ike this:
Genesis 1 – this means the Book of Genesis, chapter 1;
Genesis 1:1,3 – this means the Book of Genesis, chapter 1, verses 1 and 3;
Genesis 1:1-7 – this means the Book of Genesis, chapter 1, verses 1 to 7 inclusive.

We do not want you to just accept what we say in the lessons. We want you to check for
yoursel f that this real ly is what the Bible teaches. For this reason many Bible references
are given in each lesson.
How to study the lessons
Try to study one lesson each week, but make sure that you understand this lesson
before going on to the next . I t may be helpful to read each lesson three t imes:
• the f i rst t ime – to obtain a general idea of what i t is about ;
• the second t ime – reading the verses in your own Bible, and then answer ing the
quest ions;
• the thi rd t ime – reading i t r ight through again, together wi th the Bible reading
given at the beginning of the lesson, and checking your answers.
At the end of each lesson you wi l l f ind some other useful verses to read in your Bible,
and one which you should t r y to learn. These verses wi l l help you throughout your l i fe.
Answering the questions
You should wr i te your answers on the quest ion paper . Please send your answers to your
tutor regular ly. The answers to most quest ions can be found in the lessons or Bible
verses given. Please answer the quest ions in your own words – do not just copy what the
lessons have said. Say what you bel ieve to be the t ruth. I f you disagree wi th anything in
the lessons, or have any quest ions, please say so. This is ver y impor tant – we can help
you much more i f we know what you think.
Read your Bible prayerfully
Begin each session of Bible reading or study wi th a prayer to God, asking Him to help
you understand His Word. Here is a prayer f rom the Book of Psalms:
“Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law” (Psalm 119:18) .
I f we ask Him, God wi l l open our eyes and help us to understand His book, the Bible. We
should read i t ever y day.
If we do not hear from you
I f we do not receive your answers, we wi l l assume that you no longer wish to receive this
course and wi l l stop sending the lessons. There are many people around the wor ld who
wish to receive Bible courses, and we are not able to keep sending lessons to students
who do not reply.
I f you have any di f f icul t ies in sending your answers, please contact your tutor and
explain. We wi l l then cont inue to send you the course – we just need to know that the
lessons are being received and are being used to help you in your study of God’s Word.

Map of Bible Lands

The 40 lessons
1 How to use this Bible Course 20 God’s Holy Spi r i t
2 Who are the Chr istadelphians? 21 Holy Spi r i t Gi f ts
3 The Bible Our Guide 22 Sin and i ts Consequences – Part 1
4 The Gospel 23 Sin and i ts Consequences – Part 2
Quest ion Paper 1 Quest ion Paper 6
5 God and Creat ion 24 By Grace are you Saved
6 God so Loved the Wor ld 25 The Resur rect ion f rom the Dead
26 The 7 The Return of the Lord Jesus to the Day of Judgement
Ear th 27 Immor tal Li fe
8 Signs of the Coming of Jesus Chr ist
Quest ion Paper 7
Quest ion Paper 2
28 Angels
9 Your Kingdom Come 29 Demons and Satan
10 God’s View of Histor y 30 The Devi l and Sin
11 The Kingdom of God – Peace on Ear th 31 Bapt ism
Quest ion Paper 3 Quest ion Paper 8
12 God’s Promises to Abraham 32 Chr ist ian Mar r iage
13 The Jews in Histor y – Par t 1 33 Facing Problems in Mar r iage
14 The Jews in Histor y – Par t 2 34 Our Duty to the State
15 God’s Promises to David 35 Prayer
Quest ion Paper 4 Quest ion Paper 9
16 The Father and the Son 36 Living a New Li fe in Chr ist
17 The Li fe of Jesus 37 Dai ly Bible Reading
18 The Death of Jesus
19 The Resur rect ion and Ascension of
Jesus Chr ist
38 Fel lowship wi th those of the Same
Fai th
Quest ion Paper 10
Quest ion Paper 5
39 A Summary of Bible Doct r ines
40 The Next Step
Quest ion Paper 11
Chapter to read:
Genesis 1 – This is the first chapter of the Bible.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the ear th. The ear th was wi thout form
and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spi r i t of God was
hover ing over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be l ight , ” and there was
l ight . And God saw that the l ight was good. And God separated the l ight f rom the
Lesson 1 – How to use this Bible Course
Christadelphian Bible Mission Page 4
darkness. God cal led the l ight Day, and the darkness he cal led Night . And there was
evening and there was morning, the f i rst day.
And God said, “Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let i t separate
the waters f rom the waters. ” And God made the expanse and separated the waters that
were under the expanse f rom the waters that were above the expanse. And i t was so.
And God cal led the expanse Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, the
second day.
And God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place,
and let the dry land appear . ” And i t was so. God cal led the dry land Ear th, and the
waters that were gathered together he cal led Seas. And God saw that i t was good. And
God said, “Let the ear th sprout vegetat ion, plants yielding seed, and f rui t t rees bear ing
f rui t in which is thei r seed, each according to i ts kind, on the ear th. ” And i t was so. The
ear th brought for th vegetat ion, plants yielding seed according to thei r own kinds, and
t rees bear ing f rui t in which is thei r seed, each according to i ts kind. And God saw that i t
was good. And there was evening and there was morning, the thi rd day.
And God said, “Let there be l ights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day
f rom the night . And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, and
let them be l ights in the expanse of the heavens to give l ight upon the ear th. ” And i t was
so. And God made the two great l ights—the greater l ight to rule the day and the lesser
l ight to rule the night—and the stars. And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to
give l ight on the ear th, to rule over the day and over the night , and to separate the l ight
f rom the darkness. And God saw that i t was good. And there was evening and there was
morning, the four th day.
And God said, “Let the waters swarm wi th swarms of l iving creatures, and let bi rds f ly
above the ear th across the expanse of the heavens. ” So God created the great sea
creatures and every l iving creature that moves, wi th which the waters swarm, according
to thei r kinds, and every winged bi rd according to i ts kind. And God saw that i t was
good. And God blessed them, saying, “Be f rui t ful and mul t iply and f i l l the waters in the
seas, and let bi rds mul t iply on the ear th. ” And there was evening and there was morning,
the f i f th day.
And God said, “Let the ear th br ing for th l iving creatures according to thei r kinds—
l ivestock and creeping things and beasts of the ear th according to thei r kinds. ” And i t
was so. And God made the beasts of the ear th according to thei r kinds and the l ivestock
according to thei r kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground according to i ts kind.
And God saw that i t was good.
Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, af ter our l ikeness. And let them have
dominion over the f ish of the sea and over the bi rds of the heavens and over the
l ivestock and over al l the ear th and over every creeping thing that creeps on the ear th. ”
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and
female he created them.
And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be f rui t ful and mul t iply and f i l l the ear th
and subdue i t and have dominion over the f ish of the sea and over the bi rds of the
heavens and over every l iving thing that moves on the ear th. ” And God said, “Behold, I
have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of al l the ear th, and every
t ree wi th seed in i ts f rui t . You shal l have them for food. And to every beast of the ear th
and to every bi rd of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the ear th, everything
that has the breath of l i fe, I have given every green plant for food. ” And i t was so. And
God saw everything that he had made, and behold, i t was very good. And there was
evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
Christadelphian Bible Mission, Box CBM, 404 Shaftmoor Lane, BIRMINGHAM, B28 8SZ, UK

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