




The Bible Missionary季刊(每一、四、七、十月出刊)

Contacts List

The CBM Council would like to hear from you. The members of council and their areas of responsibility are given below. Click on a name to send an e-mail.

Name Office Areas of responsibility
John Butler    Link man for Zimbabwe.
David Furniss  Publicity (meetings) Anything to do with publicity meetings in the UK.
Michael Green  West Africa Secretary

Project Aid Coordinator

Anything to do with CBM work in West Africa. Link man for Gambia.

Details of projects available for sponsorship by ecclesias or individuals.

Jonathan Hale West Europe Secretary Anything to do with CBM work in West Europe and the Middle East
Tony Jarvis  Editor Items for The Bible Missionary.
Mike Lewis  East Europe Secretary Anything to do with CBM work in East Europe and Central Asia
John Shemeld  East Africa Secretary Anything to with CBM work in East Africa. Link man for Ethiopia.
Mark Sheppard  Chairman Anything to do with CBM policies and functions.
Stephen Sykes  Secretary Anything to do with CBM administration and procedures.

Missionary volunteers and offers of help as correspondence tutors.

Details of group insurance for CBM workers. Link man for Ghana

Philip Tarrant  Treasurer Anything to do with money. How to give to the CBM using Gift Aid.
Andrew J Walker  Welfare Secretary Anything to do with the welfare of members in CBM countries.
Mark Whittaker  Literature Secretary Any issues relating to CBM literature and courses.
David Willey     

Other contacts

David Dunstan Publicity (publishing) Anything to do with the CBM Guide, Mission News, or this web site.

Company Registration Number 2796412 (London)
Registered Office 4 Mavis Road, Bournemouth BH9 3DP
Charity Registration Number 1020558

"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation." (Mark 16:15)

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    臺灣基督弟兄會 Taiwan Christadelphian

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