目前分類:大洋洲會眾 Pacific Ocean (3)

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Vanuatu 萬那杜

    A Great place to Preach 


臺灣基督弟兄會 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

(1)Nelson Christadelphian Ecclesia
Meeting Times:
Sunday Morning Service    11am - 107 Nile St East, Nelson
Sunday School    9.45am - 107 Nile St East, Nelson
On every 3rd Sunday of the month we have a public address - see the Nelson Mail for details

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What is the Australasian Christadelphian Bible Mission

The ACBM (Australasian Christadelphian Bible Mission Inc.) works in conjunction with the United Kingdom Christadelphian Bible Mission (CBM), the Christadelphian Bible Mission of the Americas (CBMA) and the Christadelphian Bible Mission of South Africa (CBMSA) to preach the gospel throughout the world.

The ACBM has been established by and is responsible to the Christadelphian community in Australia and New Zealand and its area of responsibility is from the Indian sub-continent across Asia and the Pacific.

Specific Duties include:

  • oversee and co-ordinate the preaching and pastoral work overseas
  • foster the formation and spiritual development of Christadelphian ecclesias (communities) overseas
  • provide, where necessary, financial and welfare assistance to members
  • monitor and evaluate the work of its appointed fieldworkers

The ACBM consists of a number of entirely voluntary committees and teams created to work in the following areas:

  • tutor those who have registered for Bible Correspondence Courses
  • correspond with those having shown interest in the Scriptures
  • establish working groups to co-ordinate activity in specific countries
  • visit overseas countries to preach
  • visit overseas countries to support local Christadelphians
  • promote and seek financial support within the Christadelphian brotherhood in Australia and New Zealand for the work of the ACBM
  • administration of the mission operations and finances in an honest and proper manner

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